Saying goodbye to my best friend

Before I share my latest thoughts, I have some sad news to share. My best friend Shona the Shetland Pony recently had to be put to sleep. She was 29 years old and had been on the farm for many years. The place just won’t be the same without her.

Shona seemed to prefer the company of shires to other shetlands, maybe she thought she was one! She could be found anywhere around the farm, which often caused panic from visitors who would rush to the shop to tell us that a horse had escaped! Our shire horse fences were easy for her to dart under so she was found on either side of the fence. In recent years it wasn’t unlikely that she would be found in my field and we became great friends. When I had my foal MacGregor last year, she was still the smallest horse in our field. I’ll really miss her.

So… what else? Well, we have been busy getting the farm ready for the long-overdue return of our amazing visitors. You will have noticed some changes, including improvements to our wildcat enclosures and the refurbishment of our otter enclosure which was damaged by the flooding.

I offered to help, I said I can do anything, hold a ladder, hammer some posts into the ground, do a bit of painting.  Alastair said it was dangerous and he didn’t want anything to happen to his “Miss World”. I think he has a point, I’m not really sure whether manual work is for me!

You will probably see some new arrivals too with Miranda and Spirit both expecting to foal before we open. I am not due until the beginning of May so you could get to see my foal on day one! Which is much better than last year when I had no-one to show him off too. And you know me, I LOVE the attention!

Don’t forget that social distancing only applies to humans so please come and pay me lots of attention!

That’s all for now, don’t forget to follow us on social media to find out the latest news from the farm and be the first to know when new life appears!

Bye for now

Anna x