Sunshine and Royal Celebrations

It’s me Anna. I’ve been catching the rays in my field all day as this last few days have been absolutely gorgeous. Enough sun for one day, I thought I would sit in the shade and write my next blog post for you all. 

When the weather is so good I get a lot of visitors making the small walk to my field which gives me plenty of opportunities to have a gossip and find out what is going on around here.

Anyway I overheard Alistair saying that we might be having a little celebration to celebrate the Queen’s 90th Birthday. I was a little bit confused as we had already had a very special day for the Queen’s birthday, where Alistair paraded my Dad for her Majesty just before he died.

It turns out the Queen has two birthdays! An official royal one and her real one! She is lucky, but in a way I have two birthdays as well as I was born in March but according to Alister all show horses have their birthday on January 1st of the year they were born! Turns out that I have a right to be a diva because I have as many birthdays as the Queen!

As many of you know I love to get dressed up, although it takes me a while to get washed and ready and then I have to decide what to wear.

Excuse me, you missed a spot

Alister seems to think he gets to choose what I wear but we’ll see! I am so proud to be following in my Dad’s footsteps and parading for the Queen who is the patron of the National Shire Horse Society.

I hope to see you all on Sunday, as many of you know I love to take a selfie, (I’m even thinking of getting my own Instagram account!) So come and get a selfie with me when I’m dressed-up for the Queen. Alistair is getting me ready from 12 so you get to see how I get all dolled up for shows (I’m national champion you know!) and then I will be paraded at 2pm.

Bye for now.

Anna xx