We are closed

Following on from further government advice on social distancing measures and a responsibility to keep our visitors and staff safe we have made the unbelievably hard decision to close our doors.

We hope we can open our doors again soon, but at this moment we just do not know.


We have been overwhelmed by the support from everyone during this difficult time and whilst we are being given help by the government on certain aspects of the business, one of our biggest costs that remain is feeding our horses and other animals. There are many ways to support us including;

    1. Adoptions
      • By becoming an adopter you can help us by sharing in the cost of Cotebrook Shire Horse Centres massive animal food bill, veterinary and other welfare costs.
      • Learn more about adoptions here.
    2. Memberships
      • As a member you pay an annual subscription each year, which entitles you to unlimited free admission to Cotebrook Shire Horse Centre throughout the year during normal opening times.
      • You can learn more about our memberships here.
      • Any memberships would only commence from the date of our reopening
    3. Donations
      • Any donations would be gratefully received and would be used towards feeding the horses and all the other animals.

Current Members:

We will pause your membership now and recommence once we reopen meaning you will receive the full 12 months. 

Holders of months free pass:

Anyone who has purchased a ticket with the Month Free pass since 22nd February will have it extended by the period of time we are closed.

Experience Days

Anyone who is holding an experience day voucher will have the date extended once we reopen.

We will keep you up to date via our social media channels and ensure you do not miss anything during foal watch. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter or subscribe to our newsletter at the bottom of the page.

If you have any questions at all please contact us [email protected]