Why I am a proud Mum and can you help?

Hello again! It’s me Anna with an update from the farm.

Well, it’s all happening, as you probably know Laggan gave birth to a lovely colt foal at the end of last month. He is doing really well and has settled in fine. The only issue is he doesn’t have a name! Hopefully, you can help and we have a “Name the Foal” competition on Facebook here, or in person at the farm.

All of our males horses are usually named after Scottish mountains and females are named after Scottish Lochs, but we are open to other suggestions! Why not come and meet him to help you decide?

We have another 5 foals due, including yours truly! I’m so excited to have another baby. So far, I have had one colt and one filly. What do you think I have this time?

Speaking of my beautiful children, I am so proud of my MacGregor who recently passed his 2-year stallion approval. He has a brilliant bloodline, not only is he my son, but Dad Leonardro has produced some amazing foals and well what can we say about Grandad Moorfield Edward? I think he will be in big demand!

It’s not just the horses that are welcoming new life we are also expecting the pitter-patter of tiny trotters! Although they sometimes get under my feet, I have to admit they are really cute.

With half-term coming up, I cannot wait to see all the excited children and share all my latest gossip. Don’t forget that you get a free return visits for one month from the date of your first admission (full price admission or advanced online tickets only) which basically means you can pay once and come and see me as many times as you like over the school holiday. Find out what’s on here

Bye for now, Anna x x